RO system query - mechanical

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Post by vippymini »

hubby did the calcs.
so here goes the explanation.
1min 47secs = 1.78 mins
1ltre = 1.78 mins
4.5ltre= 1gallon
4.5ltre = 8min
1day=24hrs=24x60mins =1440mins
1440 divided by 8 = 180
therefore 180 gallons per day
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Post by chita »

Gazza, I assume you meant 1000ml? (jug)

My system is in the filter house which is brick built, pipe runs are a few meters for mains, run in plastic at 2m height for better heat retention.

Jane, the calc is nigh perfect as you present it, even going the extra decimal place only takes it to 177.6 gpd.

So, it seems I may have a problem, lets analyse the possibilities.

I have just checked my system operating conditions, input water temp is 7.7 degrees, pressure is 90 psi.

Applying the manufacturers formulae to these figures, the system should produce around 112 gpd with water at this temp and pressure of 100 psi min. My pressure is 90 psi, so 10% minus would leave 100 gpd. These are accurate figures using the makers provided formulae, you will see I hope why I am questioning your readings Gazza.

The above was derived using the following math:

Membranes x 3, each rated at 80 gpd (UK) at optimum conditions, which are stated as:

Temp 25c

Pressure 100 psi min.

My temp is 7.7 so Temp correction factor as provided by manufacturer is 2.14

So, 80 (UK gpd) divided by 2.14 = 37.38 per membrane, x3 = 112.14 gpd total for the system which has 3 membranes. Less the 10% for pressure drop = 100 gpd. I am only getting 60 ish so obviously all is not well.

It could be the alternative cartridges currently in use are restrictive, so I have just ordered 2 sets of the original replacement cartridges, we'll see what happens then.

To achieve the (clarified) 180 gpd your water would have to be very warm Gazza, based on spec's your input water woulfd have to be 17c, and that's assuming pressure is 100 psi, higher if not!

Jane, if there's one thing sure to pee a fellow off it's a woman with a good idea, a woman with a cracking idea is anathema! (heating tape)

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Post by Gazza »

Yep 1000ml which is 1ltr Chi why :wink:

Jane i make it about the same so i must be OK lol. The last time i measured it was a while back so obviously its dropped a tad due to the cartridge's needing changing but i am pleased with the output :D
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Post by chita »

I'm going number blind Gazza, when i first read your post on measurement I saw only 100 ml!

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Post by vippymini »

Chi, what micron size filters do you use? have you got a 1micron where you should have a 5micron. (could give you more backpressure on the pump which in turn would give you an incorrect PSI value.)
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Post by vippymini »

Oh, and Chi your not going blind (blonde) it did say 100ml but i took it as a typo..
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Post by chita »

According to the supplier the sed's are 5 micron, same as original.

I will wait and see if the replacement original cart's improve anything before panicking!

It's just that by any reasonable calculation it's highly improbable gazza could be getting 180 gpd, unless his input water is 17c or higher, so that mystery added to my current problem is enough for one day!

I'm off to investigate tape heaters!!

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Post by chita »

Just in case Gazza has got 180 gpd, I've ordered two of the inline water meter/cart condition indicators by way of consolation!

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Post by Gazza »

I don't know the input pressure but i have again done the measuring jug thing and its the same so perhaps i have a good pressure as it is directly from the mains and was installed from the house in the large blue pipe before it reduces down.
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Post by Gazza »


What ones are they as i was looking for some today????

I ordered some new cartridge's and a flow meter so i know how much water has passed through.
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Post by Chester »

Chi/ Jane

Touched on this on the old board :idea:

Its kind of possable to recyle pond water. As part of an experiment I set up one of the ro-mans water pumps and left it running through the 5 micron sediment filters, with water extracted from the pond, however due to work commitments I had to stop after 5 days , but with a water meter on the end there was no noticeable decline in water volume being pushed through.

Cant remember the exact figures but it was enough to take the experiment and to the next level and attach RO unit, however the extra pressure of the membranes/ length of pipe involved caused the pump to cycle (ie create pulse's rather than a constant flow) been waiting to speak to some of the pump vendors in the know at work???? , but my thoughts are that I need a bigger water feed to the pump, as I feel their wasnt enough water available for the pump to do it stuff, as I feel it may have been cavitating .

One concern I do have though is that from pond water there are live organisms, in the water supply which may/will contaminate the membrane. My next trip down to Bristol will hopefully allow me to have a closer look at maurices system as he is using groundwater as his supply

One thing to bear in mind is that sediment filters are a couple of quid and a metre of water is £1.50. So even a couple of "free" cubic meters would cover the cost of the sediment filters :!:

Economically its worth it, the areas where the problems need to be addressed are the development of a pump system that wont pulsate and does the water needs to be passed through a heavy duty UV to kill anything in it.

Chi - look forward to your contribution, but may be a wee while before I can respond

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Post by chita »

As I had to order some original RO prefilter cartridges from RO Man I ordered the meters also from that source.

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Post by chita »

Incidentally Gazza and all, one of the carbon cartridges I am currently using is half the price of the equivalent from RO man. But, I notice that the design is considerably different, instead of a flow through casing it has a flow down design with a solid casing. Water enters at one end and exits at the other, which offers a much reduced path area, and I think flow is going to be commensurate. This may explain the poor output, we'll see when I get the others fitted.

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Post by Gazza »

Hi Chi,

What are the in-line meters you are getting are they for flow???

I have measured the water again and its the same ............ or i am going mad :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by chita »

Hi Gazza, mad? I know not but I doubt it, but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. Your system is producing more output than the manufacturer claims possible at anything remotely resembling current temps and water pressures. On the other hand, a simple measuring jug can't lie, can it?!!!

I've ordered 2 of those slim inline digital units from RO man, these monitor flow and cartridge condition etc: ... cts_id=102

I've also ordered some small quick fit none return valves which are new stock, I hope to deploy these to stop the ruddy water going everywhere when changing cartridges!

He claims that when running properly the system I have should run at or around 1 to 1 product to waste ratio, mine's a little higher than that I think. The meters also monitor cartridge usage/life so that'll finish the job off nicely.

Which reminds me gazza, which flow restrictor are you using? That's the little round white cylinder about 12cm x 2cm, usually hidden behind the bottom RO cartridge. There are identifying numbers on them, I'm just looking at all possibilities for your incredible production rate.

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