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Dementia care home
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:23 pm
by Daisymartin
Now a days Dementia in older age people is increases rapidly. we should think about it and lets take steps to help such people. Orchard care home [Post edited - advertising link removed]
Re: Dementia care home
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:44 pm
by Manky Sanke
You may have misunderstood what the chit chat section of this forum is for. Koi keepers who normally post in the other sections don't have to clutter those sections up with any non-koi keeping subjects they wish to discuss. They are free to start a discussion in this section where other members may also wish to post their thoughts about non-koi related subjects raised here.
As laudable as it is to raise awareness about dementia, this section is not intended for blatant advertising of a particular care home. On a koi forum, advertising a care home comes under the classification of spam. There are other forums where discussing the services offered by care homes is more appropriate.
Are you a koi keeper, if so, why not tell us about your pond?