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Treatment kit from Duncan

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:00 pm
by Russ Little Pond

I have 4 fish that are flashing beyond there normal behaviour, I will scrap & scope Thursday.

I'm after your help putting together a fish treatment kit for myself, I dont require instruments, just the topicals that should be in every tool kit, its been a two years since I last sedated and treated a fish, I have old 2-phenoxyethanol, PP and other bits and bobs that are out of date, I am thinking of ordering the below from Duncan, your imput is welcome.

Potassium Permanganate
Lock "n" Seal Plus with propolis
QuestHeasive Powder

Kind Regards

Re: Treatment kit from Duncan

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:05 pm
by Duncan
hi russ
sorry ive been away for a break just back
i think you would be better off with my wound kit as a starter
it will have everything you want barring PP and mercurochrome

it has ulcer guard
lock n seal
roccal cleaner
cotton buds
6 pair of surgical gloves
and 18 piece stainless toool wallet
bone cutters
and comprehensive laminated instruction sheet

to this i would just add two extra's mercurochrome and PP if you need it


Re: Treatment kit from Duncan

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:25 pm
by DaveB
Recently I have become a big fan of the One touch range. Have used one touch and now having great success with One touch Qxy and without having to use injections as well.It is definately part of my Treatment Kit.

Re: Treatment kit from Duncan

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:43 pm
by SamPugh89
In what situations would you use one touch oxy dave I have a koi that's jumped and banged it's head knocking a few scales off (literally in front of me) so I've cleaned and sealed the area wondering wether to check and apply this if needed