Koi pond filters forsale

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Sandbar shark
Sandbar shark
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:15 am

Koi pond filters forsale

Post by AndyE »

Filters with pump.jpg
Filters with pump.jpg (199.16 KiB) Viewed 20536 times
Hi there,

These filters have been used on my koi pond for the last 10 or so years and as all the fish have now found a new home these are ready to do the same.
As you can see there are 4 large bays which have been used in the past in a straight line and an L shape configuration.
They will need a putting back together as they have been cut in 2 to remove them but this can be done pretty easily with a halfords fibre glassing patch pack and a bit of top coat. This will also mean they should fit in a transit type van as this is collection only!
These were run with bay 1 having some brushes and matala mat for fines and the following 3 bays were full of K1 media and bio chips.
All the valves are included that can be seen on the pictures including the v large 4" inlet valve.

Filters only £180
Filters with Sequence pump as seen in pic £230
Filters with Pump and K1 media (around 180lts) £300

If you like any more pictures or info. please drop me message.

Cheers for looking,

Cut Shot.jpg
Cut Shot.jpg (164.13 KiB) Viewed 20536 times
Filters main shot.jpg
Filters main shot.jpg (126.47 KiB) Viewed 20536 times
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