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Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:45 am
by Duncan
after a number of messages I decided to put this up

Dealing with ulcer

When dealing with Ulcers cant emphasise enough how important cleaning the wound is along with excellent water and good nutrition

no matter what topical you use if you don't perform a good clean up you will not get very far and I don't care what type of topical treatment you use

you must clean the ulcer and clear it of all dead and necrotic tissue before applying anything to the wound, that's dead scales and all dead soft tissue
my mantra always has been you cant cure what's already dead or dying if left this will carry on infecting

so check scales that they are viable if you can see through them and the edges are ragged get them out
same with muscle and soft tissue apply hydrogen peroxide 3% with a cotton bud just to the open wound and allow to foam for a minute then dab not wipe dry

the reason for dabbing is so you do not spread hydrogen peroxide to good scales as it will kill a good scale stone dead and you will pulling more scales later on so keep peroxide local and dab dry

apply your topical on choice and seal, another tip is allow the sealer to dry, to achieve this 2 minutes is needed and is not going to hurt the fish but will save you problems later on
finally inject and antibiotic if you have it

warning don't use Malachite green as a topical its cooks fish flesh
you know how when you prepare sushi you use lemon juice to cook the fish, well malachite does the same job