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Praziquantel malachite green and formaldehyde

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:44 pm
by Duncan
Two weeks ago today I started a unique medication trial the premise was this
what if you had gill fluke white spot, costia and trichodina and they are all out of control what do you do? Ordinarily I would treat white spot and costia first but a what if? crept in.|

In the USA they use Proform C or formaldehyde to dissolve Praziquantel or even vodka <gasp> so I got to wondering as the formaldehyde in proform c is a mere 20% and they use malachite green chloride again not as strong as our oxalate and 1% at that, I got to wondering what would happen with our all guns blazing treatments and protocol so as I say two weeks ago I assumed my fish had white spot, costia and gill flukes so set about a trial.

The experimental pond is indoors filtered by a clarity its 400 gallons there are 6 fish in there the largest around 60cm smallest 25cm
so I dosed the pond with Praziquantel, malachite green 2% and 36% formaldehyde all three were overdosed by 20%, so the prazi dose was upped by 20% as was each of the other two
I used the MG&F to dissolve the prazi and in it went.
(Please bear in mind the pond was being matured and nitrite was very high so the fish were sitting in ½ oz per gallon salt as well) so the fish had malachite, formaldehyde, prazi, nitrite and salt to overcome.

Long story short they came through all that with flying colours so a week ago in accordance with having to do a second treatment for gill fluke and white spot they got the same again as with the first all treatments were 20% overdosed to allow for a safety margin, yet again they came through with flying colours.
Remember these fish were supplied with ulcers and infections for trials and also they were battling salt and high nitrite at the same time as this trial.
Today I have concluded the trial a success and done a reasonable water change as one of the fish is going to a new owner tomorrow

So it’s my experience that Prazi can be used with our malachite green and formaldehyde which means if you have flukes, costia, chilodonella , trichodina white spot or any combination with flukes
You can treat them all in one hit this may even prove beneficial as you won’t be treating fish over a prolonged period causing severe stress

note: I can’t verify this protocol for flukesolve, flukesolve is only 50% praziquantel and we don’t know what constitutes the other 50% so this protocol applies only to 100% Praziquantel


Re: Praziquantel malachite green and formaldehyde

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:08 pm
by Spalders
Very interesting Dunc, thanks for sharing this.


Re: Praziquantel malachite green and formaldehyde

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:41 pm
by Spalders

Is there any evidence of prazi being ineffective in ponds filtered by drums and or BHM? I have a trickle in of 10 - 12% per week and have topped up the flukesolve to counter this.

I ask because last year and this year I have had recurring problems with gill flukes. In spring last year I used at least five 100g packets of flukesolve. So far this year I have used four packets without success; but last weekend I went in with Flubenol dissolved in acetone.

For the first 24 to 48 hours had a bit of flashing as the flukes died off but since then all good, no lunking, gulping air or flashing. Fish seem much more relaxed. I plan to run another course on Sunday evening just to be sure I've hit the lifecycle.


Re: Praziquantel malachite green and formaldehyde

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:37 pm
by Duncan
I don't believe flukesolve dissolves properly, the 100% prazi does if you use formaldehyde or vodka or any other alcohol ethanol, but even then if your treating for gill fluke you need to treat twice to catch the eggs
like I say gill flukes are like sausage machines they churn out eggs continually when you understand that you can nuke em

I don't know of any detrimental data for bakki or drum filters

Re: Praziquantel malachite green and formaldehyde

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:39 pm
by Spalders
Thanks Dunc,

Well I have some of your prazi so if I still have problems after the flubenol I'll hit 'em again with the FMG prazi combo.

Will let you know how it goes.
