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Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:27 pm
by oldgit
Looks like ive got the dreaded skin fluke :( :( .Have a couple of fish with red sores not too nasty yet.Checked under scope and found fluke alive and kicking.
I know the right treatment is Flubenol and acetone which i have but never used before.What im looking for is info and overdosing or after effects of treating with this if any?
Any help please guys and girls

Cheers Darren

Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:10 pm
by Paul24
Hello Darren,

I treated with Fluke-M mixed with acetone (as recommended here), a few months ago. I didn't notice any after effects and recent scrapes have confirmed that the treatment was effective.

Any particular reason that you are worried about overdosing?

I'm sure others can add much more information, good luck.

Paul T.

Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:20 pm
by oldgit
hi Paul
Not too worried about overdosing, have exact gallonage for pond and ok with scales.As ive never used the stuff wondering want i need to keep an eye on after putting it in or want to do if their not happy i.e water change or to add something to reverse the treatment.
cheers Darren

Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:24 pm
by Gazza
Hi Darren,

You will be OK mate and the fish will be fine as long as you use the correct dost as per Duncan's book.

Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:45 pm
by oldgit
hi Gazza
Just wanted to check with you guys that have used the stuff before.I got the Flubenol from the school farm and acetone from science dept so will mix it up in the morning and nuke the buggers.How long should i wait to scrape and check?


Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:59 pm
by Gazza
Hi Darren,

I normally treat ( i say normally Ive not used it for years and gave away more than i have used the last few years lol) and then keep and eye on the fish and if they do not show any symptoms or flashing and dashing then i would not net and scrape but just leave them.

Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:39 am
by Duncan

you cant really overdose with this stuff it does not work that way

i wont give any figures even here because i just know folks would be dumping sack loads in

but some time back some guys were selling flubenol 15% and dosing this a lot higher than we use with 5% these guys really F**ked up because flubenol is not really a chemical its a trade name invented to seel a janssen product containing flubendazole to deal with flat worms ( trematode)

you can make your own flubenol you just cant call it flubenol , it would be like me making a new car and calling it a focus

i had words with them at the time because they were just trying to capitalise on folks spending money they did not need to and at a fair old rate

so dont worry mate my pond takes 35 gm i just round it out to 40gm in this instance


Re: Skin Fluke

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:08 pm
by oldgit
Hi all
Well i chucked the stuff in this morning and all seems well.Cheers dunc for info, if there is a next time i will maybe round up a few grams.In gazza's post about storing stuff you mention keeping powder dry and it will last for years, would that apply to flubenol if the expire date runs out too?
Once again cheers guys hopefully the little gits are suffering a slow painful death.
