New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feedback

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Sandbar shark
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New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feedback

Post by eifion »

Hello all, I'm a few weeks into the construction of my new pond, I'm nearing a few key decisions on filtration and would really appreciate comments from the experts :D

I'm posting weekly or so updates on youtube, the next will detail my current thoughts on filtration.

I am lucky enough to live in a stunning location , hopefully you'll find the video's interesting . Here's a link to my youtube channel : ... WDYXWmUukQ
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Gin Rin
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Re: New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feed

Post by Gin Rin »

First off, looks a great location where you are, whereabouts are you ? and the pond looks to be progressing well.
I’ve looked at your Youtube channel, and the videos look great. I would have preferred narration as I feel it makes it more personable and engaging, but it is still good though.
To start off with I am not an expert, but do have a Koi pond, and my comments are not a criticism, so please don’t take any suggestions that way; as I say I am no expert.
In regard to your pond, you intend to have a waterfall return. Might I suggest you also add a return in the same end wall mid water, this would create a flow, and would most likely handle the return back to the pond from your filters a lot better. Unless your waterfall return is going to be a high flow return via a Bakki Shower. Also as you are having an infinity window I would highly recommend you install a skimmer line, put it in the far wall the opposite side to the waterfall. You could return your skimmer line via a separate smaller filter back via the waterfall. I do something similar but T that return line off into a second mid water return under the main mid water return of the main filer, this gives a great flow to the pond. The reason I suggest a skimmer is to remove the detritus off the surface of the water. After video “Episode 5” I am also thinking, why are you not building the filter house in the most obvious place, under that patio decking, it is close to the pond, presumably electrics and you have the room. I’d worry that the return to your proposed filter house is too long. The levels look bad to me, i.e. you would have a lot of digging to get the pipe level, as it looks uphill. There might be a possibility of the bottom drain pipework settling detritus in the pipe run before getting to the filter, although a purge “T” line could resolve that for periodic flushes. And if you plan to heat, the long pipe runs might lose heat along the way. Finally I would also suggest adding at least one more mid water return in the waterfall end wall, a tommy drain perhaps, this would be for ‘future use’ for adding something that you want to add in the future. For the time being just have the exit on a ball valve not feeding anything. My pond builder suggested it for my pond and I agreed, turned out three years after the build I decided I wanted to add a new bit of kit and it was a God send, it saved the need for modifications or having a pump in the pond. If you never use it, nothing lost. So in my scheme you would end up with. Waterfall return, two mid water returns (one from bottom drain and one from the skimmer line (both via separate filters) and also a second exit (bottom drain being first) as a mid water “Tommy drain”. The skimmer line would primarily return via the second mid water return but when you are viewing the pond you would have it "T"'d off via valves to transfer the flow over the waterfall. If I am correct your waterfall is going to be a 'blade' type, so you have a clean sheet of water coming over into the pond. These look great but it can be a pain in windy weather or when the neighbours complain about the noise at night (okay so you are not going to get neighbours complaining :wink: but it might just keep you awake at night as you are not used to any noise I suspect). I don't run the waterfall during the winter either and allows the whole pond to be covered without it being an issue if required.

Anyway, just my thoughts.....
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Re: New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feed

Post by eifion »

Hello, I can't thank you enough for your response, this is exactly the type of feedback I'd hoped for . I did have a koi pond over 20 years ago, just a couple of feet deep, no bottom drain but have always wanted to build a proper one . So I guess you could say this pond is 20 years in the making :D But all the planning in the world doesn't compare with the lessons you'll have learned going through your own pond build .

I'm located around 10 miles north of Swansea, it seems like you're in the middle of nowhere but I'm only a few minutes drive from all the amenities , best of both worlds really.

Narration of the video, I'm a little uncomfortable in doing this, maybe I'll try in a future one , I do agree with your point though .

Return from the waterfall, I am planning on having a lower level return partially as it can get quite windy with us and most of the water would end up on the patio . There will be a skimmer at the opposite end of the pond, I do like a idea of getting that flow of water , the bottom drain is also towards the same end of the pond as the skimmer . The waterfall is a blade type one .

Placement of the filter is still undecided, it was originally going under the decking but with the drum filter being gravity fed it would need to be higher than the decking . I'd need to build a filter house adjacent to the patio which would then be visible from some of the other windows in the house . The builder suggested re-using the Wendy house for the filter house ( it's a huge two storey one ) , he's recently done a pond build with a filter house further away again from the pond than mine. Funnily enough I did raise the concern of waste building up in the lowest point in the pipe if the flow was not great enough but he's putting a couple of shut off values in the pipe and a valve at the lowest point so I can flush it if necessary . I'm not planning on heating the pond ,hopefully with the pipes being buried it would help insult them .

I am planning on covering the pond during the coldest weather with those Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets to add some insultation .

Great idea on adding a further pond return, a small job during the build phase but would be a right pain at a later date.

Thanks again for your response .
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Gin Rin
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Re: New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feed

Post by Gin Rin »

The graphics at the start of your videos looks like a map of Africa to me, and the reference to Mountain Koi, got me thinking perhaps you were over in South Africa, but then when I saw the Red Kite, I got confused so thought I would ask. Wales is a lovely part of the country and the location looks idyllic.
I didn’t see the skimmer line in the drawing at the end of Episode 5, I see it now :roll: , so you had that point covered.
I’d suggest not putting the railings alongside the pond, as shown in your plans. It is nice to be able to get to the water with your hands in without any barrier; as well as sit on the edge of the pond.
Your plans also show that the infinity window will be flush with the external wall. For the sake of flow and also of not having sharp corners for the koi to bash against, and not a shelf for dirt to potentially accumulate, I would have it flush with the internal wall. This will give a shelf on the external side, but that isn’t too much of a hardship and will still look good. You might be planning to do this and it is just the way it is drawn on the plans of course.
Your pipe run is still quite long; perhaps look at using lagging sleeves on the pipes. A good website for the various options is pipelagging dot com.
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Re: New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feed

Post by eifion »

Thanks again for the comments, this is my first venture into YouTube, this was as watery an intro I could find , didn't notice the Africa shape until you mentioned it :D

The rails ( in part ) are a deterrent against a heron that flies over my house a couple of times per day, also a bit of a extra safety to stop the kids falling in ( or me after a couple of shandy's :shock: )

Good point on the window, I think having it flush with the inside wall does make sense . To be honest I didn't properly consider this in my design, I'll have a chat with the builder tomorrow . Thanks for the tip on the pipe insulation , I'll have a look at the website.

I've posted another update : ... 3xw03c010c

Should be proper koi pond work over the next couple of weeks.

Cheers .
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Re: New pond construction in progress,really appreciate feed

Post by eifion »

Hello all, haven't posted an update here for a little while, just about to get to the really interesting stuff .

Pond up to final height, bottom drain cemented in place :
P1030902.JPG (161.5 KiB) Viewed 19482 times
Levels ready for base for filter house :
P1030912.JPG (157 KiB) Viewed 19482 times
50 ltrs of hel-x 13 arrived
P1030919.JPG (167.5 KiB) Viewed 19482 times
More detail on this weeks youtube upload :

Pond window should be here on Monday, hopefully the drum filter will arrive later in the week. I'll try to do some in depth video's on these
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