Koi disease & treatments






All the dosages, measurements and recommendations given on this board come with no guarantees. Since the use or interpretation of any information garnered from, or suggested on this site is beyond
our control, and all relevant data concerning symptoms, water parameters, pond volumes etc are not gathered by us, and as such are not verifiable by us. Neither I, Koi-unleashed, or anyone else
connected with the board can accept anyliability or responsibility for the condition of your pond, filters and or fish, should you carry out any treatments mentioned on the this site or discussed in the forum.
The treatment of fish, while hopefully successful, can have unexpected side effects and a fish
weakened by illness, stress or parasites can die even though the treatment was within reasonable parameters. Repeat dosing, dosing with more than one treatment, concurrently or consecutively, and
/or an erroneous pond volume calculation can impact negatively on both fish and filter.

If you are not certain of the potential results of your treatments, you should seek professional advice.

A few base rules first , an understanding of the concentrations Of injectable Antibiotics is needed.
There is always a % percent sign on the bottle Of an injectable antibiotic, this pertains to the percentage of
active ingredient To every 1ml injected, I.E. baytril 2.5% will have 25 milligrams of active Ingredient for every
1ml administered.
All injectable antibiotics will have a limited shelf life, which is quoted On the bottle a kind of " best by date",
but remember once the seal On the bottle is breached this time span will be drastically reduced to a Round
a month in most cases,maybe a bit longer, again this time period is usually quoted on the Bottle
" once the seal is breached use within??"

There are no real safe antibiotics all antibiotics can kill if not used in an appropriate Manner, Baytril is
considered one of the most forgiving and safest injectables? Baytril has a ph of around 10.5 a large injection in one spotwill cause a Reaction that can lead to further complications.
Mixing antibiotics is not desirable, as many antibiotics do not Mix well, this is a general rule of thumb,
however on the odd occasion you May want to reconsider this option, if the patient is not responding,
The Odd few that will mix. Baytril and gentamycin work quite well together, and So does amikacyn and aztreonam("azactam"). but I a general sense This practice should be discouraged, for the reasons clinical complication Can arise
Some injectable antibiotics are very toxic, Antibiotics which fall into the Classification of Aminoglycocides,
e.g. Gentamycin, amakacyn, tobramycin, etc, If dosed incorrectly can and will cause kidney failure or/ and
dropsy this Is a very real and definite possibility? All Aminoglycocides are capable of This reaction

Dose Rates

before we begin, as already stated most antibiotics come with A concentration on the bottle expressed as a percentage, and many dose rates given for koi are given in milligrams per 1 ml of injectable solution. and
some in ml's per kilo

The following is a table of percentages of any given active ingredient to 1 ml of injectable solution when the
dose is expressed as a percentage in milligrams




0.1 %
1 MG
9 MG


Baytril ( Enrofloxacin)

Available in 2.5% solution dose rate 14 mg per kg of fish weight

Below a rough guide in inches either IM or IP route of injection every other day for a maximum of five injections

Fish length in inches
ml's of injection Baytril 2.5%
6" 0.1 ml
10" 0.3 ml
14" 0.6 ml
18" 0.9 ml
22" 1.0 ml
26" 1.25 ml
30" 1.75 ml
34" 2.0 ml



Available in many concentrations , dose at 5/6 mg per kg of fish weight
A common concentration is Pangram 5% however this is way to strong for accurate usage in koi, equalling
50 mg per mil administered. if this is all you can obtain, I recommend diluting it to 0.5% with injectable water
or saline. to achieve this buy 100 ml bottle of injectable sterile water to this add10 ml of the 5% pangram/ gentamycin, this will give you a total of 500 mg of active gentamycin in the 100 mil bottle which equalls 5 mg
per mil of injection solution, dose accordingly. *IM route only* very other day for an absolute maximum of three injections

*Because of the toxicity of Gentamycin i do not intend to put a rough guide up in inches*

available in 5 and 10% solution, dose at 20 mg per kg of fish body weight


General Guide Line IM or IP route of injection every other day for a maximum of three injections

inches of fish volume of amakacin 5%
6 0.1 ml
12 0.5ml
18 0.7ml
22 1.0ml
26 1.5 ml
30 2.0 ml


I am reliable informed that this antibiotic is out of favour in vetinary circles because of its human health implications, it can cause a disease in humans called grays syndrome which gives a blood dissorder which
has both no cure and is terminal, i am lead to believe the use of this drug is being discouraged and the use of Nuflor a sister drug is being encouraged now, for this reason i will not be including chloramphenicol ,however
this drug is used as an eye ointment in human eye care, and can be obtained as a 0.5% ointment and i have
had success treating ulcers topically with this product. enough said.


Available as 30% equalling 300 mg per ml as opposed to chloramphenicol 10% equalling 100 mg per ml

Nuflor Dosage at 300 mg per kg of fish

as mentioned, nuflor is a sister drug to the above but is oil based and is very hard to draw up into a syringe, therefore a wide gauge hypodermic is needed, also drug delivery takes a long time, making Nuflor not an easy drug to deliver to the patient

Although Nuflor is a much stronger solution than chloramphenicol it can be used at the same dose rate,
because of its slow release rate, bought about from being oil based, it also has a further advantage, if the fish is stressed and not to much messing around with the koi is desirable,
one dose at the same dose as chloramphenicol but at the higher concentration, is usually all that is required, as this will release slowly over quite a few days
( thats if it is to work at all with a given pathogen) if no improvment is noticed with this one dose i would recommend changing antibiotic.

General guide to dose, IM or IP route of injection for one injection repeat after 5 days if needed

If by some chance you can get chloramphenicol dose as below, do not increase the volume of the injection
because it is of less strength than Nuflor

inches of fish dose in ml's of Nuflor or chloramphenicol
6" 0.3 ml
12" 0.9 ml
14" 1.0 ml
18" 1.5 ml
22" 2.0 ml
26" 2.75 ml
30" 3.5 ml


Azactam( aztreonam)

Azactam is available in bottles in powder form that must be reconstituted with sterile water, once reconstituted
can be stored upto a month in the fridge then it will lose its effectiveness

Take 500 mg of azactam powder inject into the vial through the seal 5 ml of sterile water or saline this will give a concentration of 10% = to 100 mg per ml, inject IP or IM route every other day for a maximum of five injections

dose 40mg/kg

rough guide as follows

inches of fish ml's of Azactam 10%
6" 0.1 ml
10" 0.2 ml
14" 0.4 ml
18" 0.6 ml
22" 0.8 ml
26" 1.0 ml
over 26" maximum of 1. 5 ml

The some of the above dose tables are referenced from Doctor Eric Johnson, who is without a doubt one of the leading experts in the field and with out who's time, dedication and research, non of the above data would be available, my thanks to Eric for all his efforts

All the above data works for me and others , but is intended as a* rough* but safe guide line, on occasion you
may have to push the limits of safe practice.

Please be aware that the use of antibiotics can have far reaching concequences in both koi health, animal
and human health. and should be regarded as a last resort. Never underestimate the power of a koi to cure
itself without the above, if the conditions are made near perfect a cure is possible with just topical dressings.
The use of anitobotics will set back a valuble abundance of different flora of bacteria in the gut of the koi that
the fish needs to aid digestion,but more importantly multi drug resistant bacteria have become the plague of
the medical profession by avoiding the use of these type of medicines where possible we can help extend the
useful life span of an antibiotic.

There are a lot more things to be taken into consideration when useing an injectable, I.E. is the koi strong
enough to withstand the injection, only experience will give you such answers my advice is either seek expert advice before hand or use a little common sense and proceed cautiously at the start.

